产品中心您当前的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 爱斯佩克ESPEC环境试验箱 > 烘箱/干燥箱/高温试验箱 > SEG-101H爱斯佩克ESPEC干燥箱

基础信息Product information






产品特性Product characteristics

    中国电子行业仪器优质供应商——坚融实业JETYOO INDUSTRIAL & 坚友仪器JETYOO INSTRUMENTS,专业为中国区用户提供爱斯佩克ESPEC干燥箱控制*进、温度均匀、安全可靠。温度范围(RT+20℃)~+300℃,容积200L/500L/1000L/1500L/2000L。


爱斯佩克ESPEC干燥箱应用领域:老化、干燥、烘烤、固化、黏合、脱泡等工艺的代名词。满足各种产品、零部件及材料在高温恒温环境下贮存、运输、使用时间适应性试验要求。 箱体外胆采用优质钢板喷塑处理,箱体内胆采用不锈钢镜面板(或拉丝板)氩弧焊制作而成,耐高温硅胶迫紧。产品控制*进、温度均匀、安全可靠、系列齐全。 广泛应用于航空、汽车、电工电子、材料、能源、化工、医疗、制药等行业高温试验及热处理工艺。



型号  Model SEG-021H, SEG-041H, SEG-081H, SEG-101H
循环方式 Circulation mode 强制热风循环换气方式  Forced hot-air circulator & venti lation system
进风量调节 Intake air adjustment
手动进风量调节  Manual adjustment
电源 Power supply  AC220V  1φ3W  50/60Hz  AC380V 3 φ4W  50/60Hz
功率Power (KVA) 3.5(4.5)     4.4(6.0) 6.1(8.2) 7.9(9.7)
zui大电流Maximum current(A) 15.6(20.2)  7.9(10.2) 10.4(13.5)  13.3(16.0)
可运行的环境温度 Operating temperature 0℃~+40℃
温度范围 Temperature range
环境温度+20℃~+200℃ (带H的为环境温度+20℃~+300℃)
Ambient temperature +20℃~+200 ℃ (H stands for 20℃~+200 ℃)
温度波动度 Temperature fl uctuation
±0.2℃ at100℃
±0.3℃ at200℃ 
±0.4℃ at300℃ 
±0.3℃ at100℃
±0.4℃ at200℃ 
±0.5℃ at300℃ 
温度偏差 Temperature deviation
±1.5℃ at100℃
±2.0℃ at200℃ 
±3.0℃ at300℃ 
±2.0℃ at100℃
±2.0℃ at200℃ 
±3.0℃ at300℃ 
±2.0℃ at100℃
±2.0℃ at200℃ 
±4.0℃ at300℃ 
Temperature heat-up rate
从环境温度到200℃ 40分钟以内;从环境温度到300℃,60分钟以内
Ambient temperature~200℃,within 40 min; ambient temperature~300℃,within 60 min
定时功能 Timer
1分~99小时59分 1Minute~99 Hours 59 Minutes
安全保护装置 Safety devices
Leakage breaker for power suppy 、Air Circulation temperature switch、Thermal fuse 、Electric parts 
compartment door switch、Overload and short circuit proteciton for heater 、Over-heat protector
内容积 Inside capacity(L) 252 448 800 1000
重量 Weight(kg) 150 210 400 500
内部尺寸 Inside dimensions W×H×D (mm) 600×700×600  800×800×700   1000×1000×800   1000×1000×l000
外部尺寸Outside dimensions W×H×D(mm) 1240×1100×840 1450×1215×980   1650×1645×1085  1650×1645×1300

搁板 Shelf 2套Sets
搁板架 Shelf bracket 2套 Sets
搁板承重 Shelf weight capacity 20kg/层Level  30kg/层Level  40kg/层
Level  40kg/层Level 
使用说明书 Instruction manual 1册 Set
*1: 括号中的数字为高温至300型号的zui大消耗功率;
The number in parentheses is the maximum power of 300℃ mode.
*2: 括号中的数字为高温至300型号的zui大电流;
The number in parentheses is the maximum current of 300℃ mode.
*3: 在环境温度+20℃,空载条件下按GB标准测得的数据;
At+20℃ ambient temperature, Non-loaded,the data are acconding to the stardand of GTB.
*4: 不包括外突部分。Excluding protrusions.

SEG-020F非标准产品 SEG-020F nonstandard production of SEG series
SEGX-021High Temperature Chamber with Rotating Specimen Rack
Based on the SEG High Temperature Chambers, these models incorporate a detachable ratating specimen rack and is especially designed for heat deterioration 
testing of rubbers and plastics including polyesters and vinyls.  By removing the rack, this unit may also be operated as an o rdinary high temperature chamber.
SEG-020F nonstandard production, based on the SEG High Temperature Chambers, according to customer requirements, special desig ned in construction and air 
duct. compared with the standard high temperature chambers, it   has a lower height, but strengthened construction, Can be thre e, or two superimposed. and through 
special software designed,three or two production can be online operated, be integration and more space saving. and Optimized  internal guide rail for sample placed.


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